Thursday, 14 June 2012

Evaluation of JOUR1111: Goodbye Journalism, hello Writing

So JOUR1111 is almost over: there are no more lectures or tutes, just some little pieces of assessment to do here and there. It was with an air of finality that I left the final tute, as it will not only be the last of the course I will attend, but likely the last of any journalism subject. After having said that I'm not continuing with the journalism major, it may seem strange when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed this subject. The lectures were informative and engaging-the lecturers both knowledgeable and helpful. It all sounds very cliche as I write this, but it has honestly been a really enjoyable subject.

Since I've cleared that up, you will probably be wondering why, exactly, I'm not continuing journalism study when I like it so much. Here's the rub: in the attempt to become a journalist, I realised why I will not do well as one. I lack passion for this pursuit. We were always taught, in this course to take an interest in what is happening around us, seek the stories, and make the effort to create quality journalism. When I tried to do all these things, I felt very false, because the interest I did take had to be forced out of me, and I could not shake my lazy attitude.

Though I was initially disappointed that my first choice of study hasn't worked out, it has made me decide to follow my passions instead of engaging in wishful thinking. I will be changing my major to writing (ironically, since this blog has been riddled with errors and for the draft stage, ineffectively written).I thought The Beatles would cheer up the tone of this post.

The tutes were amazing, probably the most enjoyable I've had so far with my uni study. They inspired all to learn and appreciate the merits of journalism, its function in our society, and its relevance to many aspects of daily life. So I would like to say a huge thank you to all those involved in the course: especially Bruce and Ali Rae. I hope that none of the staff involved in the course take my lack of success as a journalist as a failure on their part. 

My last message on this blog as part of this course is to say that I plan to continue adding content, but there will be a greater focus on English-hopefully with more effective writing... ;) And who knows? Maybe there will be a little more journalism too.

It has been an absolute pleasure,

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